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Monday, July 9, 2012

How to Differentiate a Pyramid Schemes to MLM?

Sad to say that many fraudsters disguise illegal pyramid schemes as legitimate MLM plans. Consumers approached to participate in a MLM plan should consult the chart below to help determine whether they are being asked to join a legitimate MLM plan or a dangerous pyramid scheme

Multi-Level Marketing

Pyramid Scheme

Business Focus

Sales of products and services to end-users
(NOT other distributors)


Recruiting new members


Primarily based on the sales of products and services by the
distributor. Perhaps some percentage of income from sales by downline


Primarily membership fees paid by new recruits or “bonuses” for meeting
recruitment goals.

Products or Services
for Sale

Household goods or services that consumers typically use in everyday
life.  Goods and services are priced competitively with traditional
retail outlets.

Often a thinly-veiled and poorly-made “miracle” product or service that
few consumers want or need.  Merchandise is typically priced well above
comparable products sold in retail stores.


Start-up Costs

Low or none at all.

Substantial, often involving recurring “membership” fees or expensive
“educational,” “training,” or “advertising” materials that can easily be
found free of charge elsewhere.


Support System

Low-pressure, eager to answer questions about the business and provide
detailed information in writing upon request, such as a business and
marketing plan


High pressure, with a constant focus on recruiting new members of the
scheme.  Hard to reach when questions arise.





Eager to provide references who provide honest evaluations of the
viability of the MLM plan and the work necessary to succeed.


Unwilling or unable to provide references or only provides references
who themselves attempt to recruit a caller.


Provides detailed information about the work involved.  Offers no
promise of easy riches.  Does not use high-pressure sales tactics.

Involves promises of large profits with minimal work, often in
high-pressure seminar environments.  Uses phrases like “limited time
offer,” “can’t miss opportunity,” and “guaranteed income.”



Has a good report with the Better Bsuiness Bureau (BBB) and consumer
protection agencies and is registered with the local Chamber of
Commerce. Provides detailed information on their Web site AND provides
hard copies of annual or quarterly reports, business plans, and
marketing materials on demand, for little or no charge.


Not registered with the BBB or local Chamber of Commerce.  Information
about the company is scarce or limited to a Web site.

Merchandise Buy-Back

Buys back unsold merchandise at 90% or more of purchase price.


Refuses to buy back merchandise at all or buys back at significantly
less than the wholesale price


out of the Business

Easily accomplished and accompanied by a reasonable merchandise buy-back

Difficult, with high-pressure tactics used to keep participants in the
scheme, possibly accompanied by pitches to spend more money on
“training” to improve performance.


How Long the Business
Will Last

Sustainable, based on repeat sales of products and service

Doomed to collapse

How Likely You’ll

Profits are based on time and effort devoted to selling goods or
services to consumers.

The vast majority of participants lose money.

The Bottom Line

It’s a legal business opportunity that may or may not be a good fit for


It’s illegal. Don’t waste your money.

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